Monday, May 17, 2010

Story and the search for the perfect potty

I've noticed that the "Ivy" posts are tending to outweigh the "Story" posts, so I thought I'd even it out.

Story has always been....well, there's no better way to say it: constipated. She's been taking medicine forever for it, but it doesn't do her any good.

Potty training was a bear. Once we got peeing down, she was so unpredictable on the number two that she stained almost every pair of panties she has.

Now, she seems to get it. But, she'll hold it in until it absolutely refuses to stay in her body another second. And she'll try to go several times in a day before she actually produces a result.

Tonight was a little different. She asked me 12 times to take her to the bathroom in the first 15 minutes we were home. I would take her, she'd sit on the "big girl potty" for 10 seconds, then scoot off.

Then she said, "Mommy, I go to potty," for the 13th time. I took her to her bathroom, but she wouldn't go in. "No, Mommy!" She grabbed my hand with her chubby, sticky one and dragged me through the house to my bathroom. I pulled down her pants, she gathered up the tutu around her, and sat down. Six seconds later, she slid off the toilet, pulled up the panties, and fixed the tutu.

Five minutes later she grabbed her butt with one hand, my arm with the other, and led me to our guest bathroom. Panties down, tutu in hand....nothing. She slid off.

We ended up making a round to all three bathrooms before she finally my bathroom.

I cleaned the toilet in there Sunday, but now you can't tell.....


Tober the Cat said...

Maybe you could try a litterbox? It worked for me. Just sayin'.

tracee227 said...

Geez, Tober, I am just going to send you my kids! You are full of good ideas!