Monday, April 19, 2010

A time of peace

The house is quiet. Ivy is upstairs playing. Story is coloring on the coffee table. Well, she's coloring a coloring book on the coffee table, not on the actual table. Which has happened before, mind.

What's wrong with this picture? My kids who have been at each other's throats for two weeks are peacefully coexisting in the same house. How is this possible?

Then, I realize, they are in separate rooms. On separate floors. Maybe I should run with this.

Technically, my husband and I could split them up Parent Trap style but still live in the house. He and Ivy could have the half with two bedrooms, playroom, and bathroom. Story and I could live in the master suite, and occassionally we could meet in the living room/kitchen....

Of course, I'd have to go over to their side to do laundry....or maybe I can just throw my clothes on that side and wait for them to appear back in my room magically clean? We could totally time share the kitchen and the big TV.

When things get better, we can resort to normal living arrangements. When they get bad again, we'll reinforce the holy split. The girls might miss each other! And be happy to see their sister!

Of course, if I have any more kids, that would probably be a custody issue.....that's okay. I'd let my husband take the baby to his side, hee hee.

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