Thursday, April 22, 2010

Questions from Ivy

Here's the latest compilation of difficult to anser Ivy questions:

Mommy, does God know everything, even that I like purple?

How did you learn to read, Mommy?

Was Story and I always in your belly before we were borned?

Why is Story so mean?

Why is cleaning so boring?

Who made pumpkins?  Why are they orange? Why are pumpkins for Halloween?

Why did the chicken cross the road? No, REALLY Mommy!

Did the boy who played Jesus in the play know Jesus? Did Jesus really look like that boy? Why not?

How does the car know where to drive us?

Why do you get fired if you don't go to work?

Why do boys stand up to pee?

When will I be grown up?

How long did it take you to be grown up, Mommy?

Why can't you and I share a room? Daddy can share a room with Story.

And this was just today......

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