Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving will be a dreaded holiday from this point on

The plan was to go to my Dad and Step-Mom's house for Thanksgiving, with a stop at my Mom's.

Unfortunately, fate had other ideas.

On Wednesday, the day we were going to leave, I had a list of things to do, and I had to pack. Two things happened husband checked the weather for his Thursday morning hunting excursion and my stomach started hurting. With the weather being bad and me being sick, the decision was made to leave very early Thursday morning instead.

After confirming this with my family, we settled in for an evening of relaxation and TV watching...until Story puked all over me. I convinced myself that it was a fluke...or something bad she ate.

Just to be safe, I ran to the kitchen to grab a bowl after I'd changed her and cleaned up the couch. As I bent down to the cabinet where the bowl was located, I received a searing pain in my left kidney.

Oh. No.

I have a long running relationship with kidney stones. I get one stuck about once a year or less that involves heavy drugs and a trip to the hospital. There's nothing I can do about then, I just won the genetic kidney lottery.

But this pain meant the worst was coming...a trip to the hospital, along with a puking baby. And an impending trip.

A frantic search of the purses in my closet revealed that I had one pain pill left. I took it, and waited for the results to take effect...and as it started to kick in, Story puked again.

This was not just a random puking event. I was pretty sure she had the flu.

So, I stayed up until two a.m. with her puking every hour while Rob and Ivy slept. At two, my drugs wore off, and I had to go to the hospital. A sleepy husband came in the living room to sit with the puking kid while I turned on my hazard lights and made a speedy trip to the hospital.

It turns out the night before Thanksgiving is an excellent time to visit the ER. I was in and out in no time...and then I drove home under the influence of some nice little shot they gave me.

Story hadn't puked any while I was gone, but as soon as I sat on the couch next to her, she puked again.

The next morning, we had a come-to-Jesus meeting about our trip. It wasn't happening. So, we bought a turkey and some other stuff and spent the day cooking turkey dinner by ourselves for the first time ever.

Which our kids refused to eat.

Friday we took the girls to the movies and bought some Christmas decorations. On the way home, I started feeling strange...and have spent the past 24 hours with the stomach flu. Luckily, this wasn't the worst flu I've had, and since neither kid was a baby and breastfeeding, my husband was able to take care of them all day.

Still, I'm waiting for everyone else in the house to get it...and I'm pretty sure I'll have to take Monday off to recover from my vacation.

1 comment:

EN said...

Yuck! Sounds like a horrible vacation - I hope you did take today off to recover! Sending "well" thoughts your way!