Friday, November 5, 2010

Ivy's New Awareness of Stuff

Ivy is reaching a point in her life when she is becoming more aware of her surroundings and how things work.

She's also becoming aware of the stuff I listen to on the radio. Which is not always a good thing.

When you're driving your Kindergartner to school, you don't necessarily want to hear them singing from the backseat, "Put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans, I'm your teenage dream tonight." Someone might take that the wrong way.

Last night, I was cleaning up some more hairball cat puke (thanks, sister!!), and I was spraying this carpet cleaner. Ivy picked up the bottle and said, "Oh, good, Mommy, you're using Oxy Clean." I grabbed the bottle and it did indeed say "Oxy Clean" on it.

I said, "Why is this good, Ivy?"

She rolled her eyes and said, "Come on, Mommy, you know it cleans with the power of ox-ee-gen, and it's not clean unless it's Oxy-clean!" So, now she's memorizing commercials.

And to distract her in the car last week, I showed her kudzu. You know, that vine-y plant that covers trees and buildings that's all over the south? I told her the story of how it came from China, and now it takes over because it grows really fast. I showed her examples of trees and buildings covered with it. It did the trick and she stopped crying and fighting with her sister.

But I never dreamed that she'd scream, "KUDZU!!!!!!!!! Look, Mommy, it's KUDZU!!!!!!" as loud as she could every time we passed some. Which is a lot. I'm lucky I haven't wrecked yet.

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