Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tracee the spider slayer

If you've not gotten the clue that I'm a little wacky yet, this one is sure to convince you.

I have this thing with spiders.

See, I hate them. Most of them are evil, I am sure of it. When I was young, I was petrified of them, even the little bitty ones.

As I've gotten older (oh, and moved "out in the country") I've become more tolerable of the small ones. Okay, not tolerable, just not as scared. And this is because.....

Where I live is like the big hairy spider capital of the planet. No, really.

And suddenly I've developed this superpower where I have visions that I am going to see a big spider right before I encounter one. It's not everytime I encounter one, but it's hard to negate the following examples:
  • A few weeks after we moved to this area, I approached the kitchen sink with caution. I just thought, "Oh, wouldn't it be horrible if there was a big spider in there?" Lo and behold, I raised up a pan in the bottom of the sink and a big, nasty wolf spider jumped right out at me. This happened numerous times at this house in the bathroom, kitchen, living room, and garage. I'd know there was a spider there, and then it would jump out at me.
  • We were staying at a friend's house for the summer to take grad classes. I woke up from a particularly nasty dream that I was taking a shower in the bathroom of this house, but I saw a really big spider standing on the drain. When I opened the shower door for real, there it was. On the drain. Waiting to eat me.
  • I grabbed the dog's bowl and then had a feeling that there was a spider under it...and there was. It was the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life. I couldn't even kill it with a shoe....I had to dump bleach on it. And then I threw the dog bowl away.
Somehow this gift has also enabled me to attract spiders. I do not like this. But they seem to flock to me...let ten spiders go in my kitchen and they all run straight toward me. Which is odd because all I'm going to do is kill them. It's like how the vampires kept coming after Buffy. One time there was a black widow in my screened in porch in December. How it got in my porch has yet to be seen.....it must have just felt this great attraction to me.

I recently had my worst spider encounter yet, and I didn't even know it. I was driving my new (to me) truck and was in the drive-up window of the bank. Suddenly I felt this searing pain on my ankle. I looked down and it looked as though there was a piece of mulch on my sock. I flicked it off, and the movement it made reminded me of a bee. A yellow jacket. I was stung by a yellow jacket. And trapped in between teller machines. I stomped and stomped on the floor mat to kill it before it stung Ivy.

I pulled out, parked in the lot and looked for the offensive butthead. All I found was a wet spot on the bottom of my shoe. Hoping that the spot was the yellow jacket, I hopeed back in and began to drive.

The pain was unbearable.

It radiated out of my bones...my whole leg was on fire. And sore. How did people get stung multiple times? I wondered. I almost didn't make it home- I called everyone I knew from the road and compared stories about stings. I cried. I moaned. The girls thought I was funny.

I put ice on it at home and spent the evening in the recliner.

The next day, my ankle was swollen. I figured it would- stings make me swell, even mosquitos. I went to work (in pain) and put it up again when I came home. Well, I elevated it after cleaning up the mess left by my kids after an evening of Mommy not running around behind them cleaning.

I woke up the next morning, and it was HUGE. And itchy. And even more painful. And I was sick, like achy and nauseous. What kind of mutant bee was this? I barely got through the school day. The ankle just kept swelling. Luckily, I had great classes who let me sit at my desk with it propped up on a stool all day.

That night was the worst. I couldn't even move the ankle..all I could do was lay there and hurt. And itch.

The next morning, I woke up on the recliner and the swelling was down. Refreshed at the thought that it was finally healing, I put on some socks and limped around the house cleaning bathrooms and sweeping floors. About 2 p.m. that day, I took my sock off and almost threw up- my ankle had this weird red stuff on it, climbing up my leg and down my foot.

I took pictures of it and texted them to various members of my family. I spent 20 minutes on hold waiting to talk to a nurse, who frantically told me to come in. They saw me right away, and took two seconds to say, "spider bite."

Everyone kept asking me if I was sure it was a yellow jacket. I had been.....but it was dark on the floorboard. Could it have really been a spider? When the doctor came in, she told me exactly how serious it was. She also said that if I'd waited till after the weekend to come in, I might have lost my foot. My foot?? From a spider???

Even though I had to take like 20 pills a day after the visit, I was really glad I'd come in. I mean, I need my foot. Sometimes I like to drive. Or clean the house. Or walk. Or tap my toe to music.

And in retrospect, I am starting to wonder if I've lost the only superpower I've ever had. I mean, shouldn't I have known right before the most important spider encounter I've ever had? It wasn't even a good superpower....but it was the only one I had. I felt a little bit like Harry Potter. Sigh.

Back to the world of mortals.

1 comment:

Tober the Cat said...

You need a Spider-Hunting Cat to protect you. I would volunteer, but I'm busy watching my AAB Christine goof off at work. (I'm thinking of firing her.)

