Monday, September 27, 2010

The Quest to save 15 cents

I usually do all of my grocery shopping at Wal-mart. You know, low prices, lots of variety. There are a couple of things I do not trust to the superstore giant, though, and one of them is meat.

I always drive to Food City to buy meat. I only spend about $20 every two weeks there.

At the beginning of the summer, the local Food City started running a promotion- get 150 points on your value card and you can receive 15 cents per gallon off your gas at their gas station. I'm a girl looking for a deal always, but $40 a month was not getting me anywhere close to the needed point values.

Then, my sister-in-law came to visit. I had this elaborate salmon dinner planned, and of course, I bought the fish at Food City. When I totaled up my purchases in my head, I was pretty sure that this trip would be the one where I would fulfill the number of points needed for the gas discount. Which was awesome because my car was sitting in the lot on empty.

The cashier rang up my groceries and gave me my total: $48. I was excited to check my receipt for the confirmation of my new gas discount! Alas, when I looked at it, I realized that I only had 147 points...three short.

How could I get three points? (At the time I wasn't thinking that by spending three more dollars, I'd only end up saving $1.50 in gas. No, the thrill of saving money at all was enough to put me over the edge.

I grabbed one of the cashiers at the self pay checkout and hounded her into telling me what I could spend money on to ensure that I would receive my three points and my gas discount. She said I could spend three dollars on anything but alcohol and cigarettes and gain the needed points. Suddenly, the entire store opened up to me. What could I buy?

Mu buggy left with the cashier, I went and picked up a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper. Then, I went and cruised the dollar section. I remembered that I needed chalk. While looking for the chalk, I talked myself into buying a nice pen or two to use at work (I'm always using those pens I take from hotels; they're not very nice). I selected a box of chalk (99 cents) and a pack of two pens ($1.99). I put the pop back, glorious with my three dollar purchase.

It never occurred to me that A. there would be no tax and B. tax wouldn't count. I checked out at the self checkout lane. My total? $2.98. Only two points, not three. The cashier laughed at me as I sprinted over to the candy and selected a box of tic tacs. (I don't think I have ever bought tic tacs.) My new total was $3.60. I put my ten dollar bill in the slot and skipped over to my buggy with my new pens and chalk, and my receipt showing that I was the proud owner of 150 points, eligible for 15 cents off of gas.

Halfway to the car, I realized that I never got my change from the checkout. I did a big U-turn in front of a Cadillac whose owners looked at me like I was insane, and ran back in the store. I parked my buggy by the same woman who clearly at this point thought I was nuts. I raced to the receptacle and collected my $5 in change. I ran back to the buggy.

I felt good when it only cost $27 to fill up my car. That is, of course, until I realized that I'd really only saved $1.50.

1 comment:

Stories From the Attic said...

That is hilarious!!!! But I'm glad you gave yourself the gift of chalk, real pens (hotel pens stink), and some tic tacs! You deserve all those things and more!