Friday, July 8, 2011

The doctor appointment

Story had her yearly check up and shots scheduled for 10 AM.

You would think that I could get both kids ready and out the door by then, but my children are on "summer schedule," which means waking up at 10 would be an issue.

I had decided that we'd leave at 9 to give ourselves a good cushion of time just in case anything went wrong. (If you've learned anything from my blog, it would be that something always goes wrong!)

I got dressed and then attempted to wake the kids up. Story popped right out of bed when I told her she would get a certain sippy cup after she got dressed. Ivy wasn't so easy, but she eventually did what I asked (with much whining).

As I was assisting Ivy with her hair, Story grabbed her Nintendo DS and was doing one of their favorite activities: recording her voice and playing it back over and over and over again.

I put shoes on us all, made eggo waffles and an egg muffin, and put them all in baggies. I made coffee for myself, sippy cups for the kids, and ushered us all out the 9:30.

Story couldn't carry her stuff because her hands were filled with the DS that she was singing "Dynamite" into. I placed her sippy cup on the arm rest in the front seat, passed out the baggies of breakfast, buckled seat belts, and took off.

I was trying to eat my egg muffin and drive without spilling anything on me, and I was doing good! Just as I mentally complimented myself, part of the muffin started to spill... I swerved a little bit to catch it, and suddenly I felt a strange cold feeling on the right side of my legs.

The sippy cup!! I hadn't given it to Story!

About the time that I screamed when I realized that kool-aid was making its way all over the seat of my shorts. I was en route to the doctor and I didn't have time to change!! How was I going to keep from dying of embarrassment???

I grabbed a jacket from the back seat and started mopping it up, finally just sitting on it, hoping that it would wick away the moisture from my shorts. Once settled in the seat again, I heard a scream from the back seat...and the a giggle from my two kids. Followed by a repeat of the scream, and then more giggling. Story had recorded me!

So, off to the doctor I went with a wet rear-end, my scream in the back seat a reminder that I should have given Story her cup!

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