Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ivy's not on the team!

Ivy and Story were laying on my bed watching Team Umizoomi. I've not watched this show enough to tell you anything about it except that the characters are made up of shapes and they have annoying voices.

But, just like all shows of that kind, the little whatever-they-ares ask the audience questions to help them with whatever conflict has arisen. We've all watched Dora say, "Where do we go next?" with a huge and annoying pause afterwards which your kid is supposed to fill with some kind of answer.

In this instance, I had no idea what the "team" of zoomey-bloomeys were on quest to do, but they were asking a series of questions on which number was larger. I listened to Ivy answering the television...

TV: Which number is larger? 9 or 3?
IVY: 9!
TV: Which number is bigger? 10 or 1?
IVY: 10!!!
Which of these numbers is more? 8 or 5?
IVY: FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so proud of how excited she was to be answering math questions!!! It seemed like she got more and more vocal with each question. Then....

TV: And which of these is bigger? 12 or 7?

Ivy took a deep breath and screamed, "Answer your own stupid questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just do it yourself!!!!"

"Ivy!" I said. "What's the problem??"

She rolled her eyes, pointed to the TV and said, "Geez, Mommy, this guy can't do his own math and it's very annoying."

So, maybe the powers-that-be at Nick, Jr. should take this into account....too many questions can be annoying to the parents AND the kids!

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