Friday, August 20, 2010

The Story of Tracee and the Really Bad Week

It's been a bad week (you probably didn't get that from the title, did ya?).

On Sunday morning, there were lice crawling in my kids' hair. (You can read my previous post about that drama). I also woke up with a slightly sore throat.

On Monday, I had to take the day off of work for scalding clothes (if only the big bathtub had a "boil" setting!!!) and combing hair.

On Tuesday, I woke up with a downright nasty cold/allergy thingy. I took a Tinkerbell blanket to work with me and taught kids from ages 6-14 wrapped up in a pink and purple cocoon. I ate a lot of cough drops. I swallowed a lot of chloraseptic. I felt like crud. My neighbor and bestie got really sick. I worried about her non-stop.

On Wednesday, I woke up feeling a little bit better, but the house around me was a mess. It had never been cleaned up from the Lice emergency, and a night of laying on the couch didn't improve it one bit. I spent the whole evening doing more laundry and cleaning. Story cried pitifully when I dropped her off for daycare. And for some reason, I couldn't sleep.

Yesterday, I was incredibly cranky when I woke up. Story cried again when I dropped her off. I kept falling asleep all day. I took a short nap when I got home and.....then I couldn't. I was up until 12:30.

EARLY this morning, Ivy came in our room. Story started crying at 3:30 AM.....and then she stayed up, bugging me about every ten minutes until 5 AM when I gave up and got up. Then, I found out that my husband wasn't getting his last paycheck from his old job. I know he should have another one.....and that's a large chunk to depend on and not have.

So, I'm hoping not to have another week like this one until at least the third week in December 2012. You know, the week in which the Mayan calendar suggests the world will end or at least flip on its axis.

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