Saturday, August 7, 2010

One Shoe

I hate finding one shoe.

In my house, many things can happen when you find just one shoe. If you find it in the living room floor, it's possible that the mate is on the other side of the coffee table. Maybe under the couch, or behind the wicker basket in the corner. Or, up in the playroom. Behind Ivy's bed. The possibilities are endless.

Of course, it's also possible that the mate might never be seen again.

The girls love to empty their closets one pair at a time, wearing them around the house for about 4.3 seconds before discarding them and going for another pair. They, of course, rarely take off both shoes in the same place. You can imagine that after 10 hours of being in the house, 32 pairs of Mommy, Ivy, and Story shoes are scattered intermittently throughout the house. (They never attempt to steal Daddy's shoes......wonder why? HAHA!)

At the end of the day, I gather up the ones I can find, sort through whose is who's, pair them up, and place them lovingly back in the closets. Okay, "lovingly" might be a stretch.

But often, I'm left with that rogue shoe who's partner cannot be found. If I'm lucky, in a couple of days it'll pop up as the girls range around and find new places to drag crap out of.

Several times, I do not find the missing shoe for about 6 months. Of course, as I pick out clothes in the coming days and weeks after its disappearance, it's apparent to me that the pair of shoes is the only pair that matches anything that kid has to wear. And if it belongs to one of them, it usually doesn't fit by the time I have it in hand.

Sometimes, I don't find the shoe at all.....this one time, Ivy had the cutest pair of tan leather sandals. Ivy wore them once, and then suddenly one of them was missing. I held onto that sandal for two years....even until Story was too big to wear it. I just never gave up hope that it's mate would turn up one day.

They say once you lose hope, you've lost everything.

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