Friday, June 11, 2010

Ink on my face....literally

On Wednesday, we had a day long teacher meeting at the high school. Luckily, I was in a room with other music teachers, so I felt right at home...I knew almost everyone in there.

We got ready to start, and I pulled my new favorite Go Army pen out of my purse. I was pretty excited about writing with it (sad, right?).

I clicked it a couple times. I put it next to my face. I chewed on the end a little bit. I got worried that I had lipstick running off my lips, so I took my fingers and wiped the sides of my lips. I put the pen down on the desk.

And then I saw my hands.

They were BLACK. It took me a minute to decipher why.....and when I realized that the Go Army pen was also black, I knew that it had leaked ink on my hands.

I sat for a minute before I remembered wiping my mouth with my fingers. Had the pen leaked before I did that? I had no mirror. No one had looked at me I snuck out of my seat and headed for the door, destination bathroom.

Except I had no idea where the bathroom was. Crap! I was in the hallway and people were all around, but I didn't want to ask anyone to draw attention to my possibly black face. So, I peeked my upper face back in the room and said, "Hey! Where's the bathroom?" The presenter told me, but I had to repeat the direction twice before I understood (of course, it was just around the corner. In my state, I could not comprehend that).

I walked quickly to the bathroom, trying to shield my face with my white jacket. I went in and luckily there was no one present. I looked in the mirror and it was as bad as I feared. There was ink all over the bottom half of my face! Geez, how much ink could one free pen hold?? I ran water and reached for the paper towels, coming away with one very very small towel, about the size of an ink pen itself.

I thought to myself: you mean, here I am with a ton of ink on my face and I only have one very tiny paper towel?? Who else would this happen to???

So, I dunked my face, soaped it up, and scrubbed with my fingers. I rinsed and took my still white jacket and rubbed. The ink smeared. I think a milli-gram of it came off, but the rest had been rubbed around until it looked like I had 5 o'clock shadow. I scrubbed again and again, each time soiling the inside of my jacket with black ink. Finally, although I couldn't tell really well because my skin had been rubbed so hard it was fire engine red, I thought I had rubbed enough of the ink off to only give me a slight shadow from the nose down.

For the rest of the day, I kept absentmindedly rubbing my face, and then getting scared that I had ink on my hands again. I felt pretty bad about myself because I had no make-up left on the bottom half, so I was pretty sure one half of my face was a nice golden color and the other half was a cross between grey and red......and when in a big group of people I don;t know, I feel a lot better when I at least look good. That had gone out the window.

Only me, right??


Shasta Gragg said...

That is so hilarious!

EN said...

Honestly, reading this I laughed out loud to the point I was afraid I would wake up the boys! Tracee I am sorry this happened for you, but it did make for great reading!