Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Am I old?

Ivy and I like to have deep conversations in the car on our way to school. They include subjects such as why I have moles, how I'm almost really old, and whether I look pretty or not. Today's is about what will happen in twenty years:

IVY: Mommy, what do you think I will look like in twenty years?

ME: Well, you should be taller, your hair will be different, and you'll be just as pretty.

IVY: Mommy, what will you and Daddy look like in twenty years?

ME: Well, Daddy will have grey hair. And we'll have wrinkles.

IVY: Daddy will have grey hair?

ME: Yes.

IVY: You'll have grey hair, too, right?

ME: Nope.

IVY: Yes you will.

ME: Nope, I color my hair, Ivy.

IVY: Yes you will. You'll have long grey hair, and you'll wear it in a bun.

ME: No! It will not be grey, long, or in a bun.

IVY: Why not?

ME: Because I'll only be 53!

IVY: Really??? That's old!!!!!!!

ME: So, that's old, but I'm not old right now?

IVY: Oh...yes, you're old right now. But in twenty years, you'll be really old.

Thanks, Ivy.

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