Monday, June 21, 2010

The Longest Day of the Year

June 21st freaks me out.

Okay, it's my Dad's birthday, but it is also the SUMMER SOLSTICE, and the sunlight lasts longer than any other day of the year.

I am sitting on my couch squinting through the sunlight that is streaming in my windows like it's 4 p.m. I look at the clock and it's eight o'clock!!!!

If I was a good parent, my kids would be going to bed right now! How on earth could I get them to bed when it's as bright as Alaska in June at 3 a.m.? There aren't curtains enough at Walmart to trick them! (Speaking of which, how on earth DO those Alaskans get their 5 year olds to bed?)

Not to mention that after today, we'll lose a little bt of sunlight each day. This does not seem possible because my summer just started!!!!!! And now it's going to get slowly darker until on December 21st, I will be sitting in my kitchen blogging about how dark it is at 3 p.m. (Yes, you're right, I'm never happy).

And you know what really stinks? There's no Stonehenge or Craig na Dun here at the golf course!!! (You should click on my link to Outlander and buy it if you want to know what that means).

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