When my girls were toddlers, they wanted to do everything themselves. Screams of, "I can do it BY MYSELF!!!" echoed throughout my house for years.
Some things are good to do by yourself when you're three... "Yes, you can clean your room all by yourself!" "Sure, go ahead and wash your face all by yourself!"
Others not so much. "No, you may not pour milk from the new gallon jug all by yourself." "Cutting your hair by yourself is not okay." "No, slicing your chicken nugget with the fileting knife by yourself isn't safe."
But with age comes manual dexterity and common sense, and the ability to do many many things on your own! I was very excited for the days my kids learned to put their clothes away, take their own showers, dust, and take care of their own stuff!
Of course, now that they can, they won't. Instead of "No! Let me help!" My days are filled saying, "For heaven's sake, you are ten years old, stop being lazy and do it yourself!"
Mommy, can you please wash my hair?
Mommy, can you help me put my clothes on?
Mommy, will you please help me do my math?
Mommy, please help me clean this up."
Will you get me a drink? Put on my shoes? Brush my teeth? Find me something to eat? Open this? Count this? Do this for me?
Every single thing they fought so hard to do themselves is now something they want me to do! It's harder work than giving baby baths and changing diapers!
I guess one day I'll be alone and regret saying this, but when do I get a break? :)