Ivy has a new love of reading.
I have always bought books, borrowed books from the library, and heck, I pay $10 a month for Amazon free reading. Just so my kids will read. And they don't.
Apparently I have been choosing the wrong books. Ivy has read two whole books in a week that did not have pictures. No. Pictures. People!!!!!
They were recommended by her language arts teacher (who also happens to be my best friend). This is great, really....I was so excited to see her reading.
I have always picked happy books with no hard issues....these were books that made her think. And cry. For a few hours.
Now, I can't count the number of times I have sobbed incoherently over fictional characters. How many times did they die unexpectedly? Or do something awful? Or break my heart, or have their own heart broken? I am no stranger to the emotional onslaught of a book.
But how am I going to console my daughter when so and so dies and she cries for two hours? I can't even fall back on, "They are in a better place now! We'll see them again in heaven!" because they don't exist.
I could read the book so I could more accurately gauge what she is going through, but I don't want to be sobbing at the end of it, too. So far, the best I can do is hold her while she sobs.